New Year’s Resolutions for LAMDA Exams 🎭✨

The New Year is the perfect time to refresh your goals, especially if you're gearing up for a LAMDA exam. Whether you're a budding performer or a communication whizz, setting some New Year’s resolutions will help you stay motivated and make the most out of your exam prep. Here are five fun (and totally achievable) resolutions to kick off your LAMDA journey!

1. I Will Learn My Lines Before I’m Told To 🎤

Procrastination is so last year. Make this the year you learn your lines early so you can spend more time perfecting your performance. No more last-minute cramming or mumbling through your monologue in rehearsal. Bonus points if you reward yourself with snacks every time you nail a tricky section!

2. I Will Do a Little Prep Every Week 📅

Consistency is key. Instead of binge-prepping the week before the exam, carve out 20 minutes every few days to work on your pieces. Break it into bite-sized chunks: one day for voice exercises, another for character development, and maybe a Friday session of “pretend I’m an Oscar-winning actor” practice in the mirror.

3. I Will Perform for My Pet / Houseplant 🐕🌱

Performing in front of others is a big part of any LAMDA exam, so start small! Practice your pieces in front of your pet, houseplant, or even a family member. It’s a low-pressure way to get used to being “on stage,” and who knows? Your cat might turn into your biggest fan.

4. I Will Not Forget My Water Bottle 💧

Hydration = great vocal health. Make it a habit to keep a water bottle handy whenever you’re rehearsing. Your vocal cords will thank you, and you’ll sound extra polished when you hit those challenging lines. Plus, drinking water looks very professional—it’s what all the stars do!

5. I Will Celebrate My Wins 🎉

This year, promise to give yourself credit for all the amazing progress you’re making. Whether it’s nailing a tricky bit of verse, smashing your character’s accent, or just showing up for practice on a rainy day, every little step counts. Celebrate with your favorite treat, a dance party, or by telling your friends, “I am basically Shakespeare reincarnated.”

Final Thoughts 💡

Preparing for LAMDA exams can be a lot of work, but it’s also an exciting opportunity to grow, create, and (most importantly) have fun. Stick to these resolutions, and you’ll feel confident, prepared, and ready to shine when exam day rolls around. Happy New Year, and here’s to smashing those LAMDA goals! 🎭✨

Want to start your LAMDA journey with My LAMDA Tutor? Book in for a Discovery Call today.


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